Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

How to make blog popular

How to make blog popular

There so many blog in the world, how to make your blog could be well know or popular??, there so many wat to make your blog popular, ok let's we practise now.

1. Register your blog in google.
It is caused of  almost people looking for information in google, klik the buttom link :

-- in url write your blog url and in comments write your blog content, and klik Add URL

2. Register your blog in blog directory, there is so many blog directory example kombes.com, http://technoratii.com, http://feeburner.com, danhttp://bloggerdigger.com

3. Blog Walking.

Visiting another blog, give a coment in there artikel or shutmix or their taq board, and don't forget to leave a good shadow, they must be come back in your blog.

4. Exchange Link/ Blogroll
Exchange your link with your friends link.

5. Posting
You must posting your blog everyday. To make the visitor not boring with your blog

let's practise right now, and your blog will be popular...^___^

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